The Confident Resume Webinar


The Confident Resumé for the Second Career Woman


Land More Job Interviews with Your New Resumé Confidence for Second Career Success...

Are you wondering why your resumé is not getting you interviews?
Wednesday, July 27st
3pm Eastern
Thursday, July 28st
7pm Eastern
With your host:
Denise Ryan
Founder & Career Strategist
In this live interactive webinar, I will show you how to quickly improve your resumé writing and start getting immediate calls from employers eager to meet you!

This webinar will show you:

  • Why and how your resumé may be missing the confidence you need to land your new second career.
  • How a few minor tweaks can quickly add loads of confidence to your resumé and make it stand out.
  • Real life examples of resumés flowing with confidence matched to actual job ads that quickly got the employer’s attention.
  • How to write your skills and experience in confident language that will have employers taking notice of you and your qualifications.
  • Show you how, in resumé writing, less is more... And I’m not talking about the two page max resumé rule! (It doesn’t apply anymore anyway!)

Just for attending, you could be one of two lucky participants to receive an expert confidence review of your resumé LIVE with instant tips you can use right away! ($300.00 value)

Land More Job Interviews with Your New Resumé Confidence for Second Career Success...

Can’t attend live? You can still register! We’ll be sending out a replay after the webinar to all registrants.


Instant Training

DIY Confident Resumé

This course offers a DIY-style video training with a workbook and exercises to keep you on track with the lessons. At the end of this training, you will know how to create a resumé that pops with confidence, quickly gets you past the five-second screening, straight to the interview and on to the job you really want!