One-on-One Coaching


HER TIME’s™ one-on-one brand of coaching helps you build your dream career while, at the same time, strengthening your relationships, being there for your children, for yourself, and still making time for just plain ole fun! All with the guidance and support of a coach who never uses the words ‘no, it can’t be done’ when it comes to creating the dream career of your life!

Our programs take you through a full process of in-depth discussions, career assessments, practical real life as well as fun self exploration exercises, weekly assignments and tough, sometimes uncomfortable, decisions that will culminate in a solid doable, step by step action plan for your future career. Along the way, we explore your goals, values, needs, strengths and beliefs before coming up with the resources and skills you need to develop your new career. We will guide you the whole way through.

As a result, you will see a profound self discovery that comes to light as your family, your lifestyle, your key relationships all come into play. As you go through all the steps to create your dream career, you become empowered to fully embrace your career change, to nurture your needs, show off your strengths and express yourself more assertively and confidently at home and at work for stronger, healthier relationships.


Instant Training

DIY Confident Resumé

This course offers a DIY-style video training with a workbook and exercises to keep you on track with the lessons. At the end of this training, you will know how to create a resumé that pops with confidence, quickly gets you past the five-second screening, straight to the interview and on to the job you really want!