Career Planning Model


If you have decided on a career change, follow this Career Planning Model to get you started and keep you on track.

Planning puts you in the driver’s seat. In order to navigate your journey successfully, you need a destination point and a plan to get there. Your plan will be subject to change as you work through its key elements. Your plan requires flexibility and creativity to make adjustments and allow for personal life changes and other factors along the way.

Benefits of Career Planning

It allows you to:

  • Recognize your strengths, developmental needs and preferences

  • Develop meaningful career goals and objectives

  • Increase your chances of achieving your goals and enhancing job satisfaction

  • Plan ahead for any training you may need

The four stages of the Career Planning Model are Assessment, Research, Setting Goals and Planning a Strategy. Answer the statements below to determine where you are and which areas you need to work on. Remember it is a continuous process and you don't need to figure it all out overnight. You may be in the Assessment stage for a while and that's ok. The important thing is to start!

Stage One: Assessment Yes Needs Work
I know what my skills, abilities and interests are.    
I know my strengths and developmental needs.    
I know what motivates me in my career.    
I know my values.    
I solicit feedback on my job performance.    
Stage Two: Research Yes Needs Work
I know what my career options are.    
I am aware of what choices I have.    
I know what the requirements are for work that interests me.    
I keep current with my industry.    
I understand trends and changes that affect the work I do.    
Stage Three: Setting Goals Yes Needs Work
I have considered my options.    
I know where the best match is for my work skills.    
I have defined 1 or 2 work areas I am interested in.    
I know what my ideal job(s) would be.    
I have a personal learning plan.    
Stage Four: Planning a Strategy Yes Needs Work
I have a plan to achieve my career goals.    
I have established timelines for my goals.    
I am aware of the challenges to achieving my goals and I have a strategy to address them.    
I know what resources I need.    
I have my supports in place.    
I have discussed my career goals with my spouse/family.    
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